On the mp3 tagger post I have received quite a bit of feedback and feature requests. Therefore, I thought it might be a good idea to do "social coding" and put the code on GitHub where it can easily be forked (and the forks can be watched). Other than that, the latest version of the tagger contains these improvements: the Last.fm keys and secret are not stored in the code anymore, but entered on the first run and stored in ~/.mp3tagger.cfg you can run the script in two additional modes: simulation and ask. In simulation mode no changes to mp3s will be saved, in ask mode you will be asked to save each change. Start the script with flags "-m simulation" or "-m ask", respectively. It is now possible to specify a list of genre tags that will be considered (additionally to the mp3 default genre tags). The list needs to be stored in a config file at ~/.mp3tagger_genres.cfg (in the "generic" section of the file). The full format this file needs to hav...
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